Home / Timeline / Drawings / Wire-works / Other / CV |
Drawings | |
Tucked In, On Deck. 2023. 200 x 200. | |
Progressive Rockers. 2023. 200 x 200. | |
Do not work ahead. 2023. 200 x 200. | |
"[...] the timely dew of sleep, now falling with soft slumb' rous weight inclines our eyelids" Paradise Lost. Book IV. 2023. 200 x 200. | |
Cloudcoin, Memecoin, Scamcoin. 2023. 200 x 200. | |
The Ultimate Dropouts. 2023. 200 x 200. | |
Spate of Entitlement. 2023. 200 x 200. | |
"[...] sharp lightning, in unpracticed hands [...]" John Keats, 1819. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
"[...] Figures ever new, rise on the bubble, paint them how you may [...]" Percy Shelley: The Triumph of Life. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
Puddles of Possilpark. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
Captives of Cowlairs / The co-opted.. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
Real-time employee monitoring. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
Innovative employee engagement with a focus on continuous improvement. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
"In the floating pan-pipe victories of the golden harvest" Incredible String Band. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
Cloud Haiku. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
"Water brothers trust in the ultimust" 13th Floor Elevators. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
"Can Wet Attract a Hat?" Slapp Happy. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
"Co-habs wih a mass of blonde curls". M.E.S. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
Tory Landfill. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
The Gardener. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
Aggregating client-centric action items. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
Incentivizing product-users. 2022. 200 x 200. | |
Kickback. Digital drawing / Print. 2022. | |
Outlook. Digital drawing / Print. 2022. | |
Oilygarch. Digital drawing / Print. 2022. | |
Populist. Digital drawing / Print. 2022. | |
Can-can. Digital drawing / Print. 2022. | |
Inlook. Digital drawing / Print. 2022. | |
Covid Miasma. Graphite on paper. 2020 / 21. 600 x 600. (pdf available here) | |
Passers By (Vinyl Piece). Greenock Health and Care Centre. Vector graphic. 2021. 900mm x 1000mm. | |
Pen / Ink 12. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 380 x 560. (pdf of image here) | |
Pen / Ink 11. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 290 x 490. (pdf of image here) | |
Pen / Ink 10. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 305 x 400. (pdf of image here) | |
Pen / Ink 9. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 305 x 400. (pdf of image here) | |
Pen / Ink 8. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 305 x 400. | |
Pen / Ink 7. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 305 x 400. | |
Pen / Ink 6. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 305 x 400. | |
Pen / Ink 5. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 305 x 400. | |
Pen / Ink 4. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 305 x 400. | |
Pen / Ink 3. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 305 x 400. | |
Pen / Ink 2. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 305 x 400. | |
Pen / Ink 1. Indian ink, pastel paper. 2019. 305 x 400. | |
Large Pattern 1. Fibre-tipped pen, paper. 2019. 1100 x 1100. | |
Pattern 4. Fibre-tipped pen, paper. 2019. 350 x 500. (pdf of image here) | |
Pattern 5. Fibre-tipped pen, paper. 2019. 350 x 500.(pdf of image here) | |
Drawing1ja. Coloured pencil, paper. 2019. 420 x 594. | |
Drawing 1k. Coloured pencil, paper. 2019. 594 x 420. | |
Pattern 1. Felt pen, watercolour paper. 2018. 350 x 500. (pdf of image here) | |
Pattern 2. Felt pen, watercolour paper. 2018. 350 x 500. (pdf of image here) | |
Pattern 3. Felt pen, watercolour paper. 2018. 350 x 500. (pdf of image here) | |
The Play of Static. 2016. Digital Drawing. 420 x 420. | |
Singing Phosphorus. 2016. Digital Drawing. 420 x 420. | |
Idea / No-Idea. 2014. Coloured Pencil. 840 x 594. | |
Drawing 1j. 2016. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing 1i. 2016. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing 1h. 2015. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing 1g. 2015. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing 1f. 2015. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing 1e. 2015. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing 1d. 2013. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing 1c. 2013. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing 1b. 2013. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing 1a. 2011. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing z. 2011. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing y. 2011. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing x. 2010. 420 x 600. | |
Drawing w. 2010. 420 x 600. | |
Drawing v. 2010. 420 x 600. | |
Drawing u. 2010. 420 x 600. | |
Drawing t. 2009. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing s. 2009. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing r. 2009. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing q. 2009. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing p. 2009. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing o. 2009. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing n. 2009. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing m. 2009. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing l. 2009. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing k. 2009. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing j. 2008. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing i. 2008. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing h. 2008. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing g. 2008. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing f. 2008. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing e. 2008. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing d. 2008. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing c. 2008. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing b. 2008. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing a. 2008. 297 x 420. | |
Drawing 46. 2008. 210 x 297. |
Drawing a. 2007. 570 x 630. |
Drawing 42. 2005. 210 x 297. |
Drawing 28. 2001. 210 x 297. |
Drawing 23. 1999. 210 x 397. |
Sick. 1996. 210 x 105. |
Young Rake. 1994. 210 x 105. |
Landscape. 1995. 420 x 594. |
Bread Bin. 1994. 105 x 210. |
Duckie. 1994. 105 x 210. |