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Pair of Populists. Wire, paint. 2017. 200 x 200 x 250.

Pair of Populists.
(Unpainted) Wire. 2017. 200 x 200 x 250.

Pair of Populists. (Unpainted) Wire. 2017. 200 x 200 x 250.

Pair of Populists. (Unpainted) Wire. 2017. 200 x 200 x 250.

Running Dogs. Wire, paint, snowcrete. 2017. 270 x 140 x 100.

Wire, paint.  2017. 120 x 100 x 250.

. Wire, tin-can. 2017. 100 x 150 x 160.

Edinburgh Fringe Sustainable Practice Award 2017. Reclaimed copper wire, tin-can, roof slate. 2017.
Designed award for Creative Carbon Scotland. 
Details here

Edinburgh Fringe Sustainable Practice Award 2017. Reclaimed copper wire, tin-can, roof slate. 2017.
Designed award for Creative Carbon Scotland. 
Details here